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Healthcare Marketing Glossary

Ad Viewability

Ad Viewability is a measure of how likely potential customers will see an advertisement....

Ad viewability is the measurement of the ability for an ad to be seen by a viewer. It is a key metric in determining the effectiveness of an advertising campaign, as it helps to ensure that the ads are reaching their intended audience. Ad viewability is typically determined by whether at least 50% of the ad’s pixels were in view for at least one second. This metric helps to ensure that ads are not only delivered to the right audience but also that they are seen by the audience.

Factors Affecting Ad Viewability

There are several factors that can affect ad viewability, including:

  1. Ad Placement: The placement of an ad can affect its viewability. Ads that are placed above the fold are more likely to be seen than those that are placed below the fold.
  2. Ad Format: The format of an ad can also affect its viewability. For example, video ads are more likely to be seen than display ads, as they tend to be more engaging and interactive.
  3. User Behavior: User behavior can also affect ad viewability. For example, if a user quickly scrolls through a webpage, they may not see an ad that is placed below the fold.
  4. Ad Blockers: Ad blockers can also affect ad viewability. These software programs block ads from being displayed, which can reduce the number of people who see an ad.
  5. Ad fraud: Ad fraud can also affect ad viewability. Ad fraud refers to the practice of artificially inflating the number of views or clicks on an ad, which can make it seem more viewable than it is.

Measuring Ad Viewability

Ad viewability can be measured using various tools and methods. One popular method is the Active View measurement, which is provided by Google. Active View measures the number of times an ad has been viewed, and whether it met the minimum viewability requirements. Another method is the Viewable Impression measurement, which is provided by the Media Rating Council (MRC). The Viewable Impression measurement measures the number of times an ad was in view for at least one second.

Key Ways to Improve Ad Viewability

  • Place ads above the fold.
  • Use engaging ad formats, such as video and interactive ads.
  • Optimize for mobile.
  • Use ad viewability measurement tools and monitor the results regularly.
  • Test and optimize ad placement.
  • Be transparent about data collection and use to build trust with viewers.

By implementing these key steps, advertisers can improve the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns and ensure that their ads are seen by their target audience.


Ad viewability is a key metric in determining the effectiveness of an advertising campaign. It helps to ensure that the ads are reaching their intended audience, and that they are seen by the audience. Ad viewability is typically determined by whether at least 50% of the ad’s pixels were in view for at least one second. Factors such as ad placement, ad format, user behavior, ad blockers, and ad fraud can affect ad viewability. Advertisers can measure ad viewability using various tools and methods, such as Active View and Viewable Impression measurement. By understanding ad viewability and its factors, advertisers can take steps to improve ad viewability and increase the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.

Ad Viewability FAQ

What is Ad Viewability?

Ad viewability is the measurement of the ability for an ad to be seen by a viewer, typically determined by whether at least 50% of the ad’s pixels were in view for at least one second.

What factors affect Ad Viewability?

Factors that can affect ad viewability include ad placement, ad format, user behavior, ad blockers, and ad fraud.

How can Ad Viewability be measured?

Ad viewability can be measured using various tools and methods such as Active View and Viewable Impression measurement.

How can Ad Viewability be improved?

Ad viewability can be improved by placing ads above the fold, using engaging ad formats, optimizing for mobile, using ad viewability measurement tools, testing and optimizing ad placement, and being transparent about data collection and use.

Why is Ad Viewability important?

Ad viewability is important as it helps to ensure that the ads are reaching their intended audience and that they are seen by the audience. Improving ad viewability can increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and lead to a better ROI.

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