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Healthcare Marketing Glossary

Real Cost Per Milli

Real Cost Per Milli (RCPM) is a metric used to determine the cost efficiency of a particular advertising campaign or ad placement by measuring the cost of the ad in relation to the...

Real Cost Per Milli (RCPM) is a metric used to measure the efficiency of online advertising campaigns. It is calculated by dividing the cost of a campaign by the number of impressions in thousands. For example, if a campaign costs $100 and receives 1,000,000 impressions, the RCPM would be $0.10.

Why is RCPM important?

RCPM is considered a more accurate metric for measuring campaign efficiency than cost per click (CPC) or cost per action (CPA), as it takes into account the total number of impressions rather than just the number of clicks or conversions. This is particularly useful for campaigns that may not receive a high number of clicks or conversions, but still reach a large number of potential customers.

Benefits of Using RCPM

There are several benefits to using RCPM as a metric for evaluating ad performance:

Better Understanding of Ad Performance

RCPM provides a more accurate picture of ad performance because it takes into account the actual revenue generated, rather than just the cost of delivering the ad. This allows advertisers to make better decisions about how to allocate their ad spend and to optimize their campaigns more effectively.

Improved Campaign Optimization

By using RCPM, advertisers can better understand the true value of their ad spend and make more informed decisions about how to allocate their budget. This can lead to more efficient use of ad spend and higher returns on investment.

Increased Revenue

By using RCPM, advertisers can identify which ads and campaigns are generating the most revenue and allocate their ad spend accordingly. This can result in increased revenue and higher returns on investment.

Understanding RCPM can help you:

  • Identify which campaigns are the most cost-effective and which are not performing as well.
  • Make better decisions about ad placement and targeting.
  • Adjust your budget accordingly.

How to use RCPM

It is important to note that RCPM is not a standalone metric and should be used in conjunction with other metrics such as click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and return on investment (ROI). These metrics will give you a more complete picture of the performance of your campaigns and help you make more informed decisions.


For example, if you have two campaigns running and one has an RCPM of $0.20 and the other has an RCPM of $0.30, the first campaign is more cost-effective and you may want to allocate more budget to it. However, if the second campaign has a higher conversion rate, you may decide to keep the budget allocation the same.


It’s also important to consider the context of the campaign. For example, some campaigns may have a higher RCPM but may be more targeted to a specific audience which may lead to higher conversion rates, which can offset the higher cost.

Overall, Real Cost Per Milli (RCPM) is a valuable metric for measuring the efficiency of online advertising campaigns and can help you identify which campaigns are the most cost-effective and make better decisions about ad placement and targeting. However, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics to get a more complete picture of the performance of your campaigns.

Real Cost Per Milli FAQ

What is Real Cost Per Milli (RCPM)?

RCPM is a metric used to measure the efficiency of online advertising campaigns by determining the cost per thousand impressions.

Why is RCPM important?

RCPM is more accurate than CPC or CPA as it takes into account the total number of impressions.

How is RCPM calculated?

RCPM is calculated by dividing the cost of a campaign by the number of impressions in thousands.

How can I use RCPM to improve my online advertising campaigns?

RCPM can help identify cost-effective campaigns and aid in ad placement and budget decisions.

Is RCPM a standalone metric?

No, it should be used in conjunction with other metrics for a complete picture of campaign performance.

How does RCPM differ from other metrics like CPC or CPA?

RCPM takes into account the total number of impressions while CPC and CPA only take into account the number of clicks or conversions respectively.

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