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Healthcare Marketing Glossary

Product Marketing

Product Marketing is the process of identifying and promoting a product to a target market, including research, positioning, messaging, pricing and distribution strategies....

Product Marketing is the process of identifying and promoting a product to a target market. It is a crucial aspect of a company’s overall marketing strategy and involves a range of activities, including research, positioning, messaging, pricing, and distribution strategies. A successful product marketing strategy can help a company increase sales, build brand engagement, and differentiate itself from competitors.


The first step in product marketing is research. This includes understanding the target market, the competition, and the product’s unique selling points. Market research can take many forms, including surveys, focus groups, and interviews. It is important to gather as much information as possible to help inform the product positioning, messaging, and pricing strategies.


Once the research is complete, the next step is to position the product. Positioning refers to how a product is perceived by the target market in relation to the competition. A product’s positioning can be influenced by factors such as price, features, and brand image. For example, a high-end fashion brand may position itself as a luxury product, while a budget brand may position itself as a value option.


Messaging refers to the way a product is communicated to the target market. This includes the product’s name, tagline, and any other language used to describe the product. The messaging should be consistent across all marketing materials, including product packaging, website, and advertising. The messaging should also align with the product positioning and communicate the product’s unique selling points.


Pricing is an important aspect of product marketing. The price of a product should be based on its perceived value to the target market and the costs of production. A premium price may be appropriate for a luxury product, while a lower price may be more suitable for a budget product. It’s also important to consider the competition when setting the price.


The final step in product marketing is to determine the distribution strategy. This includes deciding how the product will be sold, such as through retail stores, online, or through a direct sales force. The distribution strategy should be based on the target market and product positioning. For example, a luxury product may be sold through high-end retail stores, while a budget product may be sold through discount retailers.

Product marketing is a vital aspect of a company’s overall marketing strategy, it is the process of identifying and promoting a product to a target market through research, positioning, messaging, pricing and distribution strategies. By conducting market research, positioning the product effectively, developing a consistent messaging, pricing it appropriately, and choosing the right distribution channels, a company can increase sales, build brand awareness, and differentiate itself from competitors.

Product Marketing FAQ

What is Product Marketing?

Product Marketing is the process of identifying and promoting a product to a target market, including research, positioning, messaging, pricing and distribution strategies.

What are the steps in Product Marketing?

The steps in Product Marketing include research, positioning, messaging, pricing, and distribution.

What is the goal of Product Marketing?

The goal of Product Marketing is to increase sales, build brand awareness, and differentiate the product from competitors.

How does Product Marketing differ from Product Management?

Product marketing focuses on identifying and promoting a product to the target market, while product management focuses on the development and management of a product.

Why is Product Marketing important?

Product Marketing is important because it helps a company understand the target market, competition, and the product’s unique selling points. This information is then used to develop a successful marketing strategy that increases sales and builds brand awareness.

How does market research fit into Product Marketing?

Market research is an important step in Product Marketing. It helps a company understand the target market, competition and the product’s unique selling points. This information is then used to inform the product positioning, messaging, and pricing strategies.

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