Post view conversions, also known as view-through conversions, refer to the number of conversions that occur after a user has viewed an advertisement, but not necessarily clicked on it. This metric is important for businesses to track and optimize because it provides insights into the effectiveness of display advertising and the impact of brand awareness on conversions.
Post view conversions allow businesses to measure the effectiveness of their display advertising. This metric can provide insights into the impact of brand awareness on conversions. For example, if a business has a high post view conversion rate, it indicates that users are converting after viewing the advertisement, even if they didn’t click on it. This suggests that the display advertising is creating brand awareness and influencing conversions.
Post view conversions can also help businesses optimize their ad targeting. By tracking post view conversions, businesses can identify which demographics or interests are most likely to convert after viewing an ad. This can inform ad targeting decisions and help businesses reach the right audience more effectively.
Tracking post view conversions can help businesses improve the return on investment (ROI) of their advertising spend. By identifying the most effective advertising channels and demographics, businesses can allocate resources more effectively and increase the ROI of their advertising budget.
Retargeting is an effective way to optimize post view conversions. By showing ads to users who have already viewed an advertisement, businesses can increase the likelihood of a conversion. Retargeting can also help businesses reach users who may have been interested in a product or service but didn’t convert on their first visit to the website.
Testing different ad formats can also help businesses optimize post view conversions. This includes testing different ad sizes, colors, and call-to-action (CTA) buttons. By testing different ad formats, businesses can determine which format is most effective at driving conversions.
Tracking and analyzing data is an ongoing process that is essential for optimizing post view conversions. Businesses should regularly track post view conversions and analyze the data to identify areas for improvement. This includes analyzing the data by different segments, such as new vs. returning visitors, and mobile vs. desktop users.
Optimizing landing pages is also important for post view conversions. This includes ensuring that the landing page is relevant to the ad, has a clear CTA, and is mobile-friendly. By optimizing landing pages, businesses can increase the likelihood of a conversion after a user has viewed an advertisement.
In conclusion, post view conversions are an important metric for businesses to track and optimize. They provide insights into the effectiveness of display advertising and the impact of brand awareness on conversions. Businesses can optimize post view conversions by using retargeting, testing different ad formats, tracking and analyzing data, and optimizing landing pages. By focusing on post view conversions, businesses can improve the ROI of their advertising spend and reach the right audience more effectively.
Conversions that occur after viewing an ad.
By tracking user behavior after viewing ad through cookies, pixels, or other tech.
Gives a more comprehensive view of ad impact, helps make data-driven decisions, better understanding of advertising efforts.
Click-Through measures conversions from clicking an ad. Post View measures conversions after viewing an ad, regardless of click.
Yes, they can be used with other metrics, such as Click-Through, to give a more complete picture.
Comprehensive view of ad impact, data-driven decisions, better understanding of advertising efforts.