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Healthcare Marketing Glossary

Content Gap Analysis

Content gap analysis is a powerful tool that allows you to identify opportunities and areas of improvement in your content....

Content gap analysis is a process of identifying missing or underperforming content on a website or within a marketing strategy. It is an important step in creating an effective content marketing plan, as it allows healthcare marketers to identify areas where they can improve their overall performance and reach their target audiences more effectively.

What is Content Gap Analysis?

Content gap analysis is the process of comparing a company’s existing content to the content that is needed to reach its target audience and achieve its business goals. This process involves identifying the types of content that are missing, as well as the types of content that are underperforming. By identifying these gaps, healthcare marketers can create a more comprehensive content marketing strategy that addresses the needs of their target audience and helps them reach their business goals.

How to Conduct a Content Gap Analysis

There are several steps involved in conducting a content gap analysis, including:

  1. Defining the target audience: The first step in conducting a content gap analysis is to define the target audience. This should include information about demographics, psychographics, and behavior patterns.
  2. Identifying business goals: The next step is to identify the business goals that the content marketing strategy should support. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  3. Auditing existing content: The third step is to audit the company’s existing content. This should include a review of all the content on the website, as well as any content that is being used in other marketing channels, such as social media, email, and print.
  4. Identifying gaps: The fourth step is to identify gaps in the existing content. This should include a review of the types of content that are missing, as well as the types of content that are underperforming.
  5. Developing a plan: The final step is to develop a plan to fill the gaps identified in the content gap analysis. This plan should include a strategy for creating new content, as well as a strategy for improving existing content.


Content gap analysis is an important step in creating an effective content marketing plan for healthcare marketers. By identifying missing or underperforming content, healthcare marketers can create a more comprehensive strategy that addresses the needs of their target audience and helps them reach their business goals. By conducting a content gap analysis, healthcare marketers can make sure that their content is relevant, valuable, and engaging for their target audience, which will help them achieve their business goals and drive more conversions.

Content Gap Analysis FAQ

What is Content Gap Analysis?

Content Gap Analysis is a process of identifying missing or underperforming content on a website or within a marketing strategy. It helps companies to identify areas where they can improve their overall performance and reach their target audiences more effectively.

Why is Content Gap Analysis important?

Content Gap Analysis is important because it helps companies to create a more comprehensive content marketing strategy that addresses the needs of their target audience and helps them reach their business goals. It ensures that the content is relevant, valuable, and engaging for the target audience, which will drive more conversions.

How is Content Gap Analysis conducted?

Content Gap Analysis is conducted in several steps:

  • Defining the target audience
  • Identifying business goals
  • Auditing existing content
  • Identifying gaps in existing content
  • Developing a plan to fill the identified gaps

What should be included in a Content Gap Analysis?

A Content Gap Analysis should include a review of all the content on the website, as well as any content that is being used in other marketing channels, such as social media, email, and print. It should also include a review of the types of content that are missing, as well as the types of content that are underperforming.

How often should Content Gap Analysis be conducted?

The frequency of conducting Content Gap Analysis depends on the company’s needs and goals. It is recommended to conduct Content Gap Analysis at least once a year or whenever there is a significant change in the target audience or business goals.

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