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Healthcare Marketing Glossary

Ad Delivery

The process of delivering ads to the appropriate audience is called Ad Delivery....

Ad delivery refers to the process of delivering and displaying advertisements to users through various channels such as websites, apps, and social media platforms. This process involves several steps, from ad placement to ad serving, targeting, and optimization. Ad delivery technology plays a critical role in the success of an advertising campaign, as it ensures that the right ads are delivered to the right audiences at the right time.

Ad Placement

Ad placement is the process of selecting the specific locations or platforms where ads will be displayed. Advertisers can choose to place their ads on specific websites, apps, or social media platforms, or they can choose to use an ad network or exchange that allows them to reach a broader audience. Some common ad placement options include display ads, native ads, video ads, and search ads.

Ad Serving

Ad serving is the process of delivering ads to the selected placements. Ad serving technology is used to manage the delivery of ads to the chosen placements, including tracking the number of impressions and clicks. Ad serving technology also allows advertisers to track the performance of their ads in real-time and make adjustments as needed.


Ad targeting is the process of selecting the specific audience that will see the ads. Advertisers can target their ads based on a variety of factors such as demographics, location, interests, and browsing history. Targeting options can include contextual targeting, behavioral targeting, and retargeting.


Ad optimization is the process of making adjustments to the ads or targeting options to improve the performance of the campaign. Advertisers can use optimization techniques such as A/B testing and multivariate testing to improve the effectiveness of their ads. Advertisers can also use optimization techniques to improve the targeting of their ads, such as adjusting the targeting criteria or adjusting the bid amount.


Ad delivery is a critical component of the advertising process, as it ensures that the right ads are delivered to the right audiences at the right time. The process of ad delivery involves several steps, including ad placement, ad serving, targeting and optimization. Advertisers can choose from various ad placement options and targeting options to reach their desired audience and optimize their ad campaigns for maximum effectiveness.

Ad delivery technology plays a vital role in the success of an advertising campaign by managing the delivery of ads, tracking performance, and allowing for real-time adjustments. Advertisers who use ad delivery technology can optimize their campaigns and target their ads to the right audiences, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates, and a better ROI. Ad delivery technology is a powerful tool for advertisers looking to reach their target audience, drive conversions and increase revenue.

Ad Delivery FAQ

What is Ad Delivery?

Ad delivery is the process of delivering and displaying advertisements to users through various channels such as websites, apps, and social media platforms.

What are the steps involved in Ad Delivery?

Ad delivery involves several steps, including ad placement, ad serving, targeting and optimization.

What are the different types of Ad Placement?

Common ad placement options include display ads, native ads, video ads, and search ads.

How is Ad Serving done?

Ad serving technology is used to manage the delivery of ads to the chosen placements, including tracking the number of impressions and clicks.

What are the different types of Ad Targeting?

Advertisers can target their ads based on a variety of factors such as demographics, location, interests, and browsing history. Targeting options can include contextual targeting, behavioral targeting, and retargeting.

How can Ad Optimization be done?

Advertisers can use optimization techniques such as A/B testing and multivariate testing to improve the effectiveness of their ads. Advertisers can also use optimization techniques to improve the targeting of their ads, such as adjusting the targeting criteria or adjusting the bid amount.

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